2010 & 2011 |
Name: Robert W Henry
Email: churchstreet33830@yahoo.com
Date: Thursday March 11, 2010
Time: 04:58:58 PM -0500
Always wanted to be first at some thing now I am , First to post in 2010. I hope everyone is saving up for the next reunion in Tx. I would like to thank Garny and the rest for keeping the site up to date and running., also Ken Williamson for all the help he has rendered with the VA ,hell I won't get rich but it all helps in the end. Don't just sit on your a-- and bitch about the VA call ken if he can't fix it he knows someone that can. O by the way we all know who in his house realy fixs it all. Keep up the good work Robert Henry SGM USA RET
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Sunday June 20, 2010
Time: 11:51:27 AM -0400
Hi To All 585th Vietnam Vets - The contracts for our Reunion have been signed and accepted by the El Tropicano Group Sales Manager. There are basically two contracts;one for food and the other for Space requirements. Our last reunion in San Antonio was our most successful to date, with 150 vets/guests attending. With a Riverwalk Hotel, we now hope to reach a much higher number. REMEMBER, "YOU" are the reason we reunite. Time is flying and we want to see all our 585th Vietnam Brothers as often as possible. Take your planning calendar and annotatee May 1-4,2011;585th Reunion, San Antonio,Texas, DEPEND ON US, Kne Seymour
Email: sjcrow71@hotmail.com
Date: Thursday November 04, 2010
Time: 10:01:59 PM -0500
Email: sjcrow71@hotmail.com
Date: Tuesday November 09, 2010
Time: 10:01:53 PM -0500
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Tuesday November 30, 2010
Time: 01:40:38 PM -0500
Hi All - Just posted our 7th reunion in all the major Veteran's magazines. I've recently talked with a few of you on the phone and it looks like we'll have a good turnout at the El Tropicano Riverwalk Hotel;May 1-4, 2011. Remember our reunion rates are good before and after the reunion. Our rates include 2 breakfasts per room. Please start saving for this get together now. DEPEND ON US, Ken Seymour P.S. J.B. and his family are scheduled to be there.
Name: Ed Ulip
Email: gced16@optonline.net
Date: Friday March 11, 2011
Time: 11:23:58 AM -0500
Our reunion will be here befor you know it. It's time to get off your BUTTS and give some of your buddies a call. Call a couple of guys you would resly like to see. If everyone would do this we would get alot more people to the reunions. Ed (TULIP)
Name: Ed Ulip
Email: gced16@optonline.net
Date: Friday March 11, 2011
Time: 11:24:52 AM -0500
Our reunion will be here befor you know it. It's time to get off your BUTTS and give some of your buddies a call. Call a couple of guys you would realy like to see. If everyone would do this we would get alot more people to the reunions. Ed (TULIP)
Name: Clay Bolen
Email: claybolen@sbcglobal.net
Date: Thursday April 07, 2011
Time: 11:05:57 AM -0400
I have been trying to reach the 585th vets from Texas but, I have nine numbers that are bad numbers so if any of you know any of theirs please give them a call to remind them about the reunion 1-5 May 2011. Hope to see you there.
2008 & 2009 |
Name: Mike Boone
Email: mike.boone@ars.usda.gov
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 11:47:19 AM -0500
Does anybody know how to collect all 600+ zip codes of 585th living members in the lower 48 and then calculate the geographic center of population for reunion planning purposes?
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 11:26:29 AM -0500
Reunion #5 in Orlando is now history. Other than the weather up north and out west,which prevented some members from attending,#5 was a super event. This was made possible because of the many vets and wives who pitched in to ensure all bases were covered. We definitely have a winning team, which includes J.B., best bartender in the military reunion business!! I'm looking forward to a larger group showing up in Las Vegas, Reunion #6, early October 2009. DEPEND ON US, FOSSIL
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 04:24:26 PM -0400
Sadly,one of our most active members,Bob Straub,Boise,Idaho,585th Plt Ldr, RVN 70/71, lost his wife Hilary yesterday to cancer. Bob and Hilary attended most of our reunions. Bob is the Association member who designed our Distinguished Unit Recognition Plaque, now proudly hanging in the Engineer Regimental Room at Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri. Hilary will be greatly missed by husband Bob, family and friends and many of us who personally knew her. Members who knew Hilary may want to consider supporting the Hilary Straub Memorial Scholarship Fund at Boise State University. Call Barbara Myhre at 208-426-2925 for program information. DEPEND ON US!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Robert Henry
Email: churchstreet3380@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday April 29, 2008
Time: 10:15:09 PM -0400
I for one had a dam good time at the last reunion in Orlando,but was somewhat disapointed that more brothers could't make it . The next one will be in Las Vegas I think but I'm getting old and don't remember too well. Well the point is save up or start walking now (gas is going up) and I hope to see you all there, many thanks to all that worked soo hard on the last one.
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 08:06:15 PM -0400
To all 585th Engineer Company(Vietnam) Association members!!!!!!! Your elected officers wish you and your families a Happy, Healthy Memorial Day 2008. If you haven't already done so, please get your U.S. Rep. in Congress to Co-Sponsor HR 2267 (Retroactive award of the Army Combat Action Badge to December 7, 1941).
Name: Ed Ulip (TULIP)
Email: gced16@optonline.net
Date: Sunday June 08, 2008
Time: 10:17:41 PM -0400
The information for our next reunion has been posted on our web site. October 5-9 in Las Vegas I know there are people who don't gamble and don't think they will like Las Vegas.Besides the fact that we are there to reunite with our buddies there are many things to do there. The dam is a great sight seeing tour, they have some of the best entertainment in the world. It is truly a unique experience being there. Hope to see more members at this one than the others. I will be there God willing. Ed Ulip (TULIP)
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@charter.net
Date: Saturday June 21, 2008
Time: 10:51:12 AM -0400
All 585th Engineer Company(Vietnam) Association members should be aware that HR2267, retroactive award of the Army Combat Action Badge, passed the House on 22 May 2008. The Senate should vote on this Bill by the end of July. I'll try to keep you all informed on the status of this important CAB legislation. A POC/Panel has been appointed to review all active members CAB eligibility status.Call me if you want to find out who represents your Year Group. DEPEND ON US, Ken Seymour
Email: justcrow71@hotmail.com
Date: Friday July 25, 2008
Time: 09:54:44 PM -0400
Name: Terry Parker
Email: tsp@fidnet.com
Date: Sunday August 03, 2008
Time: 09:03:07 AM -0400
Hi Guys, Just a short note to tell you about my cancer, the cancer has come back, and it seems like they cant treat it anymore, so now I play the waiting game, I hope I will be here for the next reunion--Keep me in your prayers-Tks-Terry- 585th
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@charter.net
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 12:57:29 PM -0400
The 585th Association has been notified that Member John Staub has suffered a severe stroke on his left side. We hope John will fully recover in the immediate future. Hopefully we'll see him at our OCT 09 Reunion in Las Vegas. Questions should be directed to John's daughter Patricia at 540-408-2528.
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@charter.net
Date: Monday August 25, 2008
Time: 09:58:26 AM -0400
Sadly,very sadly,we have lost 585th Brother Jack George to Agent Orange. Monsanto did to Jack, what the VC and NVA failed to do. Jack survived the Vietnam War ,but, died from cancer after a long,hard fight to survive this vicious disease.I'm sure we will all miss his smiling face and black cowboy hat at future 585th reunions. Our condolences go out to his widow Debbie,his two sons,and other family members and close friends.
Name: Tom Garney
Email: dino585@msn.com
Date: Tuesday August 26, 2008
Time: 06:27:30 PM -0400
To all members, Some of you are aware that one of our brothers Jack George has passed away. If you wish to leave a message for his family....Please click on the link below......God Bless http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jackgeorge
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 09:12:37 AM -0400
Hi All!! The Combat Action Badge Project is plodding along, with the 6 Panel Chiefs trying to get sufficient official evidence to support the CAB Award to 585th RVN Vets who may have earned this badge. Member Mike Boone has volunteered to complete records research at NARA in Maryland. Too date, he has located,copied and forwarded numerous documents. Panel Chiefs cannot work on your specific award without input from you; official evidence and your request are the essential steps that need to be completed. Without a working email address, you will need to snail mail hard copies of supporting papers to your Panel Chief. YG 66/67 Kinyon; YG 67/68 Kroll; YG 68/69 Garney; YG 69/70 Barron;last 6 months of 1970 Hultgren; YG 1971/72 Seymour. Questions, contact your Panel Chief!!! DEPEND ON US, Ken Seymour 478-387-0187
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle5885@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 09:29:39 AM -0400
Hi All!! The Combat Action Badge Project is plodding along. Panel Chiefs are YG 66/67 Kinyon; YG 67/68 Kroll; YG 68/69 Garney; YG 69/70 Barron; last 6 months of 1970 Hultgren;and YG 71/72 Seymour.For a 585th RVN Vet to apply for the CAB, he must provide his Panel Chief with a letter outlining the action he participated in and official evidence of same. If you don't have email, you must snail mail your papers to your Panel Chief. All Panel Chiefs are in the process of compiling Army documents that establish enemy activity against the 585th in Vietnam. Some of these documents will cover several 585th Vets. Thanks to member Mike Boone, 585th 1971, for his tireless records research at NARA, Maryland. DEPEND ON US, Ken Seymour 478-387-0187
Name: paul stark
Email: starky585th
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 06:14:53 PM -0400
what panel chief would i contact about getting the ok for the cab,because i was over there in march of 67 to may of 69!!!!!thanks starky
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Thursday November 13, 2008
Time: 11:50:16 AM -0500
We have been notified by Sharon Parker that her husband, our 585th Engineer Company(Vietnam)Brother, Terry Parker passed away at 0713 this morning. Terry has fought vicious cancer for the past several years. I did talk with Terry on Veteran's Day. It was a very short conversation as Terry was in critical condition,at home in bed. Please remember Terry in your prayers. We will ensure his name is posted to the 585th Memorial Site and his name will be read at our next Memorial Service, October 2009, Las Vegas Reunion.
Name: paul stark
Email: starky585@webtv.net
Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Time: 06:16:31 PM -0500
Name: Jerry Grizzard
Email: jandjgrizz@meckcom.net
Date: Wednesday December 24, 2008
Time: 09:15:22 AM -0500
We want to wish all the 585th Veterans and there famlies a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope to see all of you at the next reunion at Las Vegas in October 09!!! Jerry& Jeanie Grizzard
Jimmy Earley
Email: jimmynlinda@comcast.net
Date: Saturday April 18, 2009
Time: 01:26:50 PM -0400
Hello, I want to let you know we've lost another dear 585th brother. Clyde Seabolt passed away suddenly on Friday, April 17 in Byron, Georgia. We have spoken to his wife, Geri, and she will let us know about funeral arrangements later today. We will post them here in case anyone wants to go and pay their respects. Clyde and Geri were at the last reunion and enjoyed it so much. She said he had so much fun and they were looking forward to Las Vegas. Clyde was saving his quarters! We will not be able to attend because I've just had gall bladder surgery and am having complications. I simply can't travel that far right now. Please pray for Geri; she's having a very hard time with Clyde's death. Thanks, Jimmy Earley
Jimmy Earley
Email: jimmynlinda@comcast.net
Date: Sunday April 19, 2009
Time: 07:03:55 PM -0400
The funeral arrangements for Clyde Seabolt are as follows: Visitation will be from 6-8 PM Monday, April 20 at Goddard McLeighton Funeral Home of Roberta, GA. The funeral will be Tuesday at 3 PM at Parkway Memorial Gardens in Warner Robins, GA. Please remember Geri, Clyde's wife, and their son and daughter. Thank You. Jimmy Earley
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Tuesday April 21, 2009
Time: 01:19:16 PM -0400
HR 82 is the 111th Congressional Resolution on Retroactive Award of the Army Combat Action Badge. As of today, we have 10 Co-Sponsors; PA - Altmire,Murtha,Brady,Schwartz; TX - Granger, Rodriguez,McCaul; WA - Rogers; CA - Herger; IL - Rush. If your Rep in Congress is not listed here, you have not done your job in soliciting their Co- Sponsorship of HR 82. EVERY MEMBER NEEDS TO GET ACTIVELY INVOLVED ON THIS LEGISLATION!!!!!!!!The 585th Association is the cornerstone of this effort to get eligible vets their CAB.
Name: william barentine
Email: williambarentine1@msn.com
Date: Thursday June 18, 2009
Time: 04:09:49 AM -0400
I have been trying to find any paperwork or orders from my arrival on Jan 3 1971 to departure of Dec 18 1971. Anmyone have any transfers or travel orders with my name on them? I arrived in Cam Ranh Bay, transferred to Phan Rang, near the AFB, (stayed there for a time),then later moved on to *(Phan Thiet/whiskey mountain, then we moved via convoy to Vinh Hao.)? * (this is where I need some kind of help, I am not sure where I was, or when...) According to what I have read and seen here, Vinh Hao was demolished (mine fileds cleared) in October 1971? I was still in-country until December 18 1971, and this was what I was supposed to be doing..... Question: Was I in Vinh Hao, then moved via convoy to Phan Thiet? That would make more sense, but I was bringing up the rear of the convoy, with other "volunteers", carrying the explosives for the quarry work and such. As I recall, (and it's no longer clear to me!), Russell J. Custer, ("Sandy" today), and I had to clear out a conex box of old "crystallized" Dupont Nitro sticks, left over for some time by civilian contractors: "Quinton Budlong". This took place in ??? Phan Thiet or Vinh Hao? After all these years, my memory is not just fuzzy, it's missing some bits and pieces! HELP!??? Thanks !
Name: william barentine
Email: williambarentine1@msn.com
Date: Thursday June 18, 2009
Time: 04:13:30 AM -0400
Has anyone else had any type of "memory loss" of events, during their in-country service? Most, if not all of my military records and such have been destroyed or lost over the years.... Is there anywhere those records can be found/replaced? Thanks! Bill
Name: william barentine
Email: williambarentine1@msn.com
Date: Thursday June 18, 2009
Time: 05:07:34 AM -0400
"lost" over time.... Friends in RVN: From the 73rd engineers, the 589th engineers also! From January to December of 1971. Anyone remember me? Have any info on where and when? Bill
Name: william barentine
Email: williambarentine1@msn.com
Date: Friday June 19, 2009
Time: 01:47:54 PM -0400
Looking for any transfers/travel orders, etc..... That has any reference to me. I did find one person that knew me, and knew I was at one time in the following: 73rd (CS) Engrs., 299th Engrs., 589th Engrs., and I ended up at the 585th! Thanks! Bill
Name: Ron Hatfield
Email: ronhatfield@hotmail.com
Date: Tuesday August 04, 2009
Time: 04:48:58 PM -0400
just registered at the Hotel in Las Vegas for the Reunion. Hope to see everyone there in October. Due to the death of my mother-in-law in March 08 I did not get to attend the Reunion in Florida and missed a chance to visit with Jack George and all my other friends but hope everything goes OK and I am able to make it this year. (We never Know). See you soon.... Ron Hatfield 68-69
Name: Ed Ulip( TULIP)
Email: gced16@optonline.net
Date: Sunday September 06, 2009
Time: 12:35:09 AM -0400
Less than a month till our reunion want to see all my buddies there. Let's make this the best reunion yet. Other wise Seymour will want all reunions to be in Florida Tulip
Name: Steve Crow
Email: justcrow71@lhotmail.com
Date: Friday November 20, 2009
Time: 02:35:47 AM -0500
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Tuesday December 01, 2009
Time: 10:31:26 AM -0500
Hi to all 585th Vietnam Vets. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with your families. FYI, the cherished 585th Guidon vanished during the 585th reunion in Las Vegas. This is the guidon I had made in RVN and it was flown at Vinh Hao and Don Duong. Anyone having pesonal knowledge on the whereabouts of our Guidon, please give me a call or send it back to me asap. Depend On Us, Ken Seymour
Name: Robert W Henry
Email: churchstreet33830@yahoo.com
Date: Monday December 21, 2009
Time: 09:21:53 PM -0500
One more reunion has come and gone without a lot of members from Florida being there. This is a request to all, if you know of someone listed on the roster as being from Florida please contact them and have them contact me the listed E-Mail address on the roster. A large THANK YOU to all that worked so hard on the reunion this year,it was enjoyed by all I'm sure.
Name: Robert W Henry
Email: churchstreet33830@yahoo.com
Date: Monday December 21, 2009
Time: 09:23:33 PM -0500
One more reunion has come and gone without a lot of members from Florida being there. This is a request to all, if you know of someone listed on the roster as being from Florida please contact them as many have moved or changed ph#s and have them contact me the listed E-Mail address on the roster. A large THANK YOU to all that worked so hard on the reunion this year,it was enjoyed by all I'm sure.
Name: Breland Clement
Email: brelandclement@gmail.com
Date: Thursday December 24, 2009
Time: 10:36:55 PM -0500
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my 585th brothers and there families. Gayle and I enjoyed Vegas and are looking forward to San Antonio. I hope to see all of you there.
Name: William Barentine
Email: williambarentine1@msn.com
Date: Friday December 25, 2009
Time: 06:39:16 PM -0500
Wishing you all and your loved ones a VERY Merry Christmas and a glorious and Prosperous New Year! Bill
2007 |
Name: Ken Seymour/ CODE NAME FOSSIL
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Monday January 01, 2007
Time: 12:03:14 PM -0800
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all 585th Vietnam Vets!!!!!!!! I hope to see most of you at our early 2008 Orlando Reunion. I'm currently working on getting us a good location at a decent price. Stay healthy and start saving your money for the reunion. Depend On Us, Ken
Name: Ken Seymour AKA Fossil
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Thursday February 15, 2007
Time: 01:16:00 PM -0800
Today I received the first reservation check for the 2008 reunion and it was sent by Paul Searls from Hurricane, WV. Good for you Paul, setting the example for timeliness and efficiency. This is the second time you were the first member to commit to a 585th reunion. If you can manage, how about getting Larry Huff from WV to attend our 2008 reunion. I'd like to see him again. DEPEND ON US,Ken Seymour
Name: Randy "Bush" Davis Dec69-Nov70
Email: randyd@tznet.com
Date: Thursday February 22, 2007
Time: 10:23:01 AM -0800
I have just received a letter from Tom Garvey, on 2-22-07, in it he stated that serveral people had tried contacting me by phone. I have an unlisted/unpublished phone #, due to serious problems with VA not paying ER bills made at non-va hospitals. I live 110 miles from the nearest va hospital (one way). Even though a triage nurse at va said to get to the nearest hosp ("va or non-va"), the powers that be don't want to pay the bills. The patient advocate is also on the board that denies claims (conflict of interest?). So the civilian hosp had been harrassing me with calls so much that I had my phone# removed from public knowledge. I am now at 100% service connected disability. You can email me at any time, as I consider you my brothers. I would really like to hear from Dick "Pudgy" Thomas and Walter "Scotty" Scott. I have been in contact with others, but lost contact with Pudgy after he moved. Scotty I had tried numerous times with no luck. I would like to attend a reunion, but, it seems, not many people who served in 1970 had been in attendance over the years. I had spoken with Uncle John and at some time I will send pics to be published onto the website. I hope all of you are in good health and happy-I miss you guys! My name is Randy Davis, but Terry Nelon gave me the nickname "Bush", after I had held up a convoy while I was in the "bush". Best wishes-Randy
Name: Roger J Wolfe SSG US Army Retired
Email: Tyddys@aol.com
Date: Friday March 02, 2007
Time: 11:19:26 AM -0800
Hi Tom Garney Just wanted to Thank You for getting in touch and yes we will be attending our Reunion in 2008. Good Lord willing
Name: Robert Serena
Email: yankee15613@yahoo.com
Date: Saturday March 03, 2007
Time: 10:09:22 AM -0800
Hi All, As one of the few members of the 585th to speed less time in the outfit(Oct 71 till Jan 72) then I spent in the shower in Nam I just wanted to say I will make the reunion in 2008. At the present time I am planning a trip back to viet nam in June or July this year if anyone has any good contacts to get tours set up please call me at home 724-294-0013 or my cell 724-889-3468 or e-mail me at yankee15613@yahoo.com hopping to see all at the 2008 reunion Depend on us Bob Serena
Email: justcrow71@hot mail.com
Date: Sunday March 11, 2007
Time: 10:33:27 AM -0800
Name: Tom Garney
Email: dino585@msn.com
Date: Wednesday March 28, 2007
Time: 06:10:51 AM -0800
A message I just received that all should read:
Hi Tom,
My name is Arlene, I am Eddy Schulz's sister. Eddy went to his lord in Oct. He really wanted to do the reunion at least one time. Remind your brothers to try harder to make these reunions. No one knows how much time they have. I have some pictures from Nam, but I can't remember where Eddy was stationed and I can't remember any of the names of the other guys. If you would like to have them you can, I don't think his children will want them.
Hope you have a great reunion.
Arlene Desbien
6460 Rathke
Riverside, Ca. 92509
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Saturday April 07, 2007
Time: 07:54:35 AM -0700
One of our members; Jack George from Missouri, is currently suffering from bone cancer. Jack starts his treatments today at the Univ. of Arkansas Cancer Research Center. Jack has a plan to defeat this disease and needs our daily prayers for God's support and help in his battle. Jack is staying with Debbie in his travel trailer near the Research Center. Call him if you can and lend your support. Jack 573-820-0257; Debbie 573-820-0621. Jack has requested that no calls be made to the Rsearch Center, as he'll be undergoing his treatment at various different locations in Little Rock. May GOD Bless Jack George.
Name: Eddie V Thomas
Email: littletom585@webtv.net
Date: Sunday April 22, 2007
Time: 10:26:44 AM -0700
Welcome home everyone. I would like to thank Tom Garney and Cpt Seymour for helping me to be able to find the men I knew in the 585th. I am hoping to attend the next reunion so I hope to see you all there. 1littletom
Name: Roger J Wolfe
Email: Tyddys@aol.com
Date: Thursday April 26, 2007
Time: 06:01:05 AM -0700
Hi Tom Garney, just wanted to give you my new E-mail address, so any announcement that you have for me, I will receive them. Thanks again for getting in touch with me. Me and the wife are looking forward to the 2008 Reunion hope to see you there. E-mail - Tyddys @aol.com
Name: Tom Garney
Email: dino585.m,sn.com
Date: Friday May 11, 2007
Time: 05:38:17 PM -0700
To all 585th brothers. When going in for your yearly medical exam, be sure you tell your doctor that you want a PSA test. This concerns your prostrate gland. Don't just take the finger up the butt, ask for blood to be drawn to find out your PSA. I did and found my PSA was around 22. They took a biopsy and I was found to have prostae cancer. I start treatment Monday. Catch it early before it spreads. You can claim it against agent orange. DO IT NOW! Tom Garney
Mike Boone (Vinh Hao 1971)
Email: mboone@anri.barc.usda.gov
Date: Wednesday June 27, 2007
Time: 03:08:59 AM -0700
I just got back (6/10/07)from ten days in southern Vietnam via Air France 164 & 169 thru the new Paris airport. Every habitable shack is electrified and has a UHF television antenna on the roof. Really impresive modernization accomplishment. The country is skipping the land-line phase of telephone evolution and everybody has a cell phone stuck to the side of their head (electromagnetic agent orange?). I was driven from Saigon up to Cam Ranh and back, down Highway 1, with a day trip to DaLat. Phan Rang is a good hoteling base for seperate trips to Na Trang and Da Lat. It's still semi-martial law over there, but I felt no fear walking thru the streets of Phan Rang and Phan Thiet at night. Driver, gas ($3 a gallon there too), his room and our food, etc., came to about $1,000 cash for the whole tour. Best to go alone and with no cell phone the first time, like you did 35 years ago. Take the wife and kids the second trip after you've learned how to handle the place. It is quite friendly. Don't look the cops or the Army in the eye, just like boar hogs, or smart mouth young females,and even your PTSD quirks won't attract attention. Use the Rex Hotel in Saigon for your 1st, 2nd and last nights in country and cite the Rex on your visa application as residence in Vietnam after you get booking numbers. Your VISA card can be used for getting cash in bank lobbies. Vietcombank. Agribank. Incombank. ATMs take most US ATM cards. It's really changed. They've given up on Communism. It's very commercial. Saw few Americans and few Viets as old as me. No animosity from the older ones that I sensed.
Name: William J.Ondrashek
Email: billond@iowatelecom.net
Date: Sunday July 29, 2007
Time: 06:16:11 AM -0700
Hi to everyone-served in Vinh Hoa as equipment mechanic,asphalt plant maintenence,contact truck operator,drove semi"Playboy",operated the wrecker,made Sunday mailruns,etc.Also transitioned to Don Doung-put a little something on Harold Ritch's memorial board!I was in the convoy when the Peacemaker got hit-came back with wrecker to take the Peacemaker to basecamp.God Bless everyone of us!!Went back to U.S.Jan.1972.
Name: William J.Ondrashek
Email: billond@iowatelecom.net
Date: Sunday July 29, 2007
Time: 06:16:28 AM -0700
Hi to everyone-served in Vinh Hoa as equipment mechanic,asphalt plant maintenence,contact truck operator,drove semi"Playboy",operated the wrecker,made Sunday mailruns,etc.Also transitioned to Don Doung-put a little something on Harold Ritch's memorial board!I was in the convoy when the Peacemaker got hit-came back with wrecker to take the Peacemaker to basecamp.God Bless everyone of us!!Went back to U.S.Jan.1972.
Name: Ken Seymour AKA Fossil
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Monday August 27, 2007
Time: 11:04:42 AM -0700
O.K. All Members and family members, it's time to register for our 585th Engineer Company February Reunion in Orlando. Read the 5th Reunion info on our Home Page and send in your check to me ASAP. As of today, we have 19 members registered/paid. Please don't forget to annotate your check with your choice of dinner meals;C or F or B. DEPEND ON US, Fossil
Name: Jack George
Email: jfgeorge@hotmail.com
Date: Friday September 28, 2007
Time: 03:29:38 PM -0700
I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I've been fighting this cancer (multiple myeloma) since February. Four chemo treatments down and two to go. Right now I'm kicking butt and am in near remission. I feel good. Have put most of my lost weight back on. So far, so good. Plan on being in Orlando in Feb. wearing my cowboy hat for the good Colonel. See you then.
Name: Ed Ulip
Email: gced16@optonline.net
Date: Tuesday October 30, 2007
Time: 07:23:51 AM -0800
Our next reunion is 4 months away. If you are planning to attend give some of your buddies a call. Many of the people not attending might change thier mind if they know someone else they know is going to be there. Names and phone numbers can be found on the roster page. The more guy's we get to come the better the reunion will be. It would be great to see new faces there along with the guy's that have been there befor. Thanks Tulip
Name: Terry Parker
Email: tsp@fidnet.com
Date: Sunday December 23, 2007
Time: 07:00:50 AM -0800
Well guys I'm going to try to make this renunion since I was in the hospital fighting for my life with lung cancer, I never hear from semour any more so I really dont know whats going on, so I'll do the best I can, Jack George isn't coming--Hope to see yall there Terry Parker---Streaker
Name: Ken Seymour
Email: eagle585@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Saturday December 29, 2007
Time: 07:58:56 AM -0800
Happy Holiday Greetings to all 585th Association Members!! Hopefully all Members had a happy Christmas season and will remain healthy and happy through the 2008 New Year. I'm looking forward to seeing those of you attending our 5th Reunion,Ramada Gateway,Kissimee, Florida. 22-24 February 2008 is coming on quickly, so ensure you are Reunion registered with me and have reserved lodging at 407-396-4400 using G/585/221 when you call. Stay well, stay in touch, Ken Seymour DEPEND ON US
2006 |
Larry Densch CommentsMy address has changed TO 1165 Maple Unit G Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 WEBMASTER Please note Judy and I will be in San Antonio. Hope all of you will be. Name: Richard A Heier CommentsWould you please update my e-mail address Name: Mike Boone CommentsSherman Harris. I owe you $10 that I borowed from you at SeaTac after the Freedom Bird flight. CPI calculation for 2005 = $50. Show up at San Antonio so I can return your $50! Name: Ken Seymour CommentsIt's time to think 585th Reunion. It's time to reserve your room. It's time to remember all the men we served with in Vietnam. It's time to contact your ARCO = Area Coordinator and ask how we can help them prepare for our 4th Reunion. Call or email Rodger Bushnell on our contact system. This will be our first reunion without a USPS Mailing. If you don't have email, call a bunker buddy.GET IT DONE!! Depend On Us, Ken Seymour Name: Ken Seymour CommentsThe Laquinta Inn sits next door to the Marriott Courtyard. The trolley to the Riverwalk and numerous other points of interest, parks on West Durango, in front of the Marriott. Leave our hotel, turn left, walk about 50 yards, get on the trolley,pay 80 cents and enjoy the ride. This service operates until late in the evening. Enjoy your stay in San Antonio. Depend On Us, Ken Seymour Name: Bob Bartholomew CommentsI talked to Terry Parker this morning. He is going in the hospital at Mountain Home Ark. in the morning to be operated on. They have been trying to get a sample of his lung and can't so they are going to operate in the morning. pleas keep him in your prayers. O.K. Name: Ed Ulip CommentsNow is the time that everyone has a chance to make this reunion even better than the last 3. Go to the roster and find some of your old buddies and give them a call. The more the better and try to get as many of them to come as you can. Let them know what a great time you had at the others you went to. Don't leave this for someone else the more calls made the more chances we have to get new members to the reunions. You never know if you will be around for the next one so go when you can Thanks Ed Ulip (TULIP) Name: Peter Prinz CommentsI have a box old several hundred slides from 1968 including Greg. Where do I mail them? Name: Ferba ,Jeffery A . CommentsWere do I sent the pictures to?I have then and now and one or two with other people. Name: STEVE CROW CommentsCALVIN BENSON Just read your message that you needed some help get ahold of me and I will try to help. I heard you did a good job on the JUDGE after I left see I told you I was a good teacher, it did'nt take much to learn what I knew. LATER Name:
Ken Seymour CommentsThis month I heard from Sam Jackson, who is going to San Antonio. For those of you who were at Vinh Hao in 1971, you'll remember Sam as the 585th Maintenance NCO. Big Sam; Sergeant is my first name, Jackson is my last name!! A legend in the 585th Engineers. It'll be great to see him again. In closing, it's incumbent on all of us to call our 585th friends and remind them what's happening on OCT 6-8,2006 in San Antonio,TX. Depend On Us!! Name: william barentine CommentsI have identified 1 of the people in a photograph, (number 1),in the Vietnam photos. On the far right hand side, the big blonde haired guy is none other than William (Bill) Pierre LaPour! I'd recognize that guy's belly and nave; anywhere! LOL!!! He had his shirt off most of the time anyway! It's in the "Phan Rang" section, 1st photo of the "B B Q...November 1971"! Bill Name: William (BILL) Barentine CommentsJust wanted to say you guys are the best! I thank you for all the time and efforts you have put into contacting all of us and tying to get us all back together. It is appreciated, whether or not you know it! I miss the guys, and it's been a long time for us all to be able to talk with each other. I hope in the future, more will be found and come forward and send in more photos!!! I'm still looking for mine, most have been "lost" though over the years. I know that many of you have busy lives and don't have much time to stay in contact with everyone. I understand, as I spend most of my time with doctors. But, if at all possible, PLEASE keep in touch! Thanks to everyone of you! Bill Name: Ronnie Hatfield CommentsHello to all 585th. Had a great time at last years reunion in Orlando and am looking forward to making this years in Texas. Someone with 585th called and left a message on my answer machine but I could not make out who it was. I have moved lately and have a new phone number... Home: 304-949-1659 and Cell: 757-927-3222 also my new e-mail address is rlhatfield@charter.net Hope to see everyone at the next reunion. Ron Hatfield 68-69 Name: JIMMY EATON CommentsCHANGED FROM AOL TO BELLSOUTH NEW E MAIL ADDRESS jimmyjeaton@BELLSOUTH.NET Name:
Ken Seymour CommentsMEMORIAL DAY 2006 - This is the time of the year when we think back to Vietnam and our wartime friends who have passed away. Over 160 have died since returning from the war. This list gets longer every week and most of these vets never attended a reunion. As for me, GOOD LORD willing, I'll be at every reunion. I'm really looking forward to seeing the 585th Brotherhood in San Antonio, 6-8 October 2006. Depend On Us,Ken Seymour Name: Bob Johnston CommentsHI !! Everyone . I am in the picture with Doug Nadue. Upper left. Mike Hinton is in the lower right. If you guys are reading this I would like to talk to Larry Dench. Name: Terry Parker CommentsHi Guys, Just been on the phone with one of our brothers, Frank Plewa, hes not in good health, and he has lost his memeory, does anyone remember him, is so please get in touch with me and I hope someone out there has a picture of Frank----and by the way--I want to think everone for prayers and thoughts for my fighting this cancer, Im hanging in there, Thanks again--Your friend--Terry Parker Name: Bill Kappes CommentsDear fellow members, I hope you are enjoying your summer.Our reunion is just around the cornor! The ARCO group, lead by Lt Bushnell, is trying very hard to remind everyone to sign up early, both with Ken and at the hotel. All of us who have been attending the reunions have a story to tell about a buddy who just would not go,for whatever reason, and then--- they past away before the next reunion. PLEASE DONT BE THAT GUY Bill Kappes,President Name:
Ken Seymour AKA Fossil CommentsTo All Hands, especially 1971 vets!! Sonny Ritch, son of SGT Harold Ritch,BSM,PH(Posthumous)KIA Vietnam, called me to confirm his attendance at San Antonio Reunion. He followed up with registration check. Sonny is looking forward to meeting his Dad's wartime friends. This includes Andy Gasca,Dave Powers, et al. Depend On Us Name: Steve Crow CommentsGarney Thanks so much for your time spent to find me, talked to FAT ALBERT, and JIMMY EATON tonight life is good see you in Texas Name: Jimmy Earley CommentsHi All, I'm having a hard time remembering names -- senior moments). I'm anxious to see who is going to the reunion. I was in Viet Nam from 1967-1968. (I was injured when our company area was hit in November 1968). I remember Stan Seidl and Lee Kidd and Tom Wallace. Email me and tell me if you're going. Jimmy Earley Tennessee Name: Ron Hatfield CommentsHaven't heard much about the Reunion. Have tried to call a few people to make sure it is still on but haven't been able to make contact. I am working with my Doctor's in hope of being able to travel to Texas. Hope to see everyone there in October. R. Hatfield 08/15/06 Name: Jerry Grizzard CommentsTo all that are going to the reunion. I have been told by Ron Hatfield that he could get the special room rate for 1 night and then it would be the regular price the rest of the time. He used the 800# first and then calld directly to the hotel and got the discount price!! If anyone else has had this problem they should call the motel # that we are staying at is 1-877-211-0103. I anyone has any problems e-mail me and I will try and help you!!! Jerry Grizzard Name: Jerry Grizzard CommentsTo all that are going to the reunion. I have been told by Ron Hatfield that he could get the special room rate for 1 night and then it would be the regular price the rest of the time. He used the 800# first and then calld directly to the hotel and got the discount price!! If anyone else has had this problem they should call the motel # that we are staying at is 1-877-211-0103. I anyone has any problems e-mail me and I will try and help you!!! Jerry Grizzard Name: Tom Garney CommentsATTENTION ALL 585TH ENGINEER MEMBERS I just got word from Ken Seymour that Terry Parker will not be able to make the reunion this year due to his health. It appears it has taken a turn for the worst. He says "HEY" to all and gives his best. Let's give him something back by keeping him in our prayers and for his health to return. Get well soon Terry. Name: Tom Garney CommentsJust 15 packing days left until the reunion. Please don't forget your albums and ORDERS. See you all there. I will be arriving on the 5th of Oct..........Cheers....Tom Name: robert w hansen Commentsi found out lastnight that the reunion was next week i some how thought it was at the end of october ,thats my fault for not keeping up on events. the most importent thing has happend one week ago my oldest daughter has returned from irac and i am trans porting her two children 17and11 next week to see her at fort campbell.so i regret fuly send my apologys to one and all that i will not be there to visit with you all.my wife asked if i still was going but family is ferst .i even got my dress greens to wear for the ocasion.yes they still fit 1969 issue lol.heresw hopeing you all have a safe jerney and lord willing i will see youall next time around.robert w hansen usa ret Name: Terry Parker CommentsHello Guys, Just wanted to say Hi and I hoped everone had a good time, wished I could of beem there but I was to sick and weak to make it, I was in the hospital the whole time the reunion was going on, But I will try to make the next one, Take care and God Bless--Terry Parker Name: Bob Bartholomew CommentsHi to all of you. Thanks for the card. Sure did miss getting to come to reunion this year. We are already talking about getting to come to Fl in March of 2008. I am getting a little stronger all the time. I have Celiac disease. I can;t have anything with wheat, oats, rye or barley in it. The small intestine will have to heal it;s self. The picture of all you guys was great. So take care and thanks again for thinking of us. A Army buddy. Bob Bartholomew Name:
Ken Seymour Comments585th REUNION MEMORIAL SERVICE:To me, this ceremony is the most important segment of our reunions. As Tom Garney said; he's sure "All those guys are looking down on us and smiling." Thanks to all who attended and especially to the KIA Sponsors:Tom Wallace,Harland Kroll,Paul Stark,Mike Martinez,James Jaynes,Andy Gaska and Memorial Roll Readers:Rodger Bushnell,Bob Honick,Jerry Townsend,Ray Vitch and Larry Alexander.Lastly,to our Chaplain Walter Ebert, a well done on the 23rd Psalm. May God Bless Us All Name: Ken Seymour CommentsVETERANS PARKWAY SIGN:Many thanks to Bill Kappes AKA Kappy,and any others who may have been involved, for presenting me with this sign at San Antonio.It's now in my truck and will be leaving Saturday for my Lake House in Milledgeville,GA. Once there, this sign will be hung on the front of my new garage. It should serve as a benchmark for all who come to visit. DEPEND ON US,Ken AKA Fossil Name: Steve Crow CommentsWell the more I think about it the more I want to thank everyone that helped put San Antonio together, and the every day time that is donated to make this all stay together and get better. I was't much help at my first Reunion [thats the way new guys are] but will help more in Florida, thanks again.LATER Steve Name: Tom Garney CommentsFrom our house to yours, a Happy Thanksgiving to all my 585th brothers and their families. Tom Garney Name: Tom Garney CommentsTo all my brothers in the 585th and their famlies. From our house to yours, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Name: Jerry Combs CommentsFor all of you that have touched my life. Merry Christmas, Happy holidays!! Jerry Combs Name: Steve Crow CommentsIt's been a great year between being found, and making the reunion in Texas I all ready have had my Christmas, A special thanks to all my brothers that have helped me this year. From the Crow family to yours have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New year. LATER Steve |
2005 |
name: Bobby Leach, Sr. email: bobbyleach3@yahoo.com : Submit Message Date: 01/07/2005 MessageJust a few words to say hello to my vietnam servicemen,brothers and friends. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sorry I wont be able to attend the reunion this year do to my work schedule. I was at the frist one but haven`t been able to make the last ones. Give all the guys my best wishes. This is my new e-mail address. MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU. name: Bobby Leach, Sr. MessageJust a few words to say hello to my vietnam servicemen,brothers and friends. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sorry I wont be able to attend the reunion this year do to my work schedule. I was at the frist one but haven`t been able to make the last one. Give all the guys my best wishes. This is my new e-mail address. name: james munnings MessageWell another reunion I have to miss. Working a seasonal job now and not working this time of year mades a trip had to aford. I hope that all have a great time and hope i can make the next reunion. God bless all name: H.Kenneth Seymour MessageGood Luck to all our members in 2005!!! We have our 3rd Reunion on JAN 30,31 & FEB 1, 2005 in Orlando and we will have our 4th Reunion 20 months later in early October 2006. Where depends on the vote at Orlando, Tuesday 1 February 2005. We have received many interesting offers, from various cities across our great nation. If I was a guessing man, I'd guess San Antonio, Texas. Start saving, planning now to definitely attend, wherever we reunite. Someone is looking forward to seeing you. Depend On Us, Ken Seymour name: Tom Garney MessageTo all my 585th brothers friends and their families. It is really sad that I am writing this addition. To date we have 134 members listed on the Memorial Site. I have just added Samuel G Geisel who I had the pleasure to serve with. He missed the first two reunions, putting it off for one thing or another. I talked with him in Dec 2004, he said that he had cancer, but was upbeat and stated he was bound and determined to make this reunion. Sadly, he didn't live long enough to attend and see his friends for one last time. Kenneth E Aman, found earlier in 2004 and who I also served with, said he was bound and determined to attend his first reunion. He had been searching for 30 years for his friends from the 585th, six months later he passed away never to reach his dream. I believe Ray Vitch was the last to visit him Gary L Neff, talked with him in earlier in 2004 about attending, was interested and getting ready to retire. Called again later in the year and he said he probably couldn't make it because of his business, a week later he passed away. I could go on, but the whole point is, we haven't a clue on how long we will remain on this earth. How many reasons or excuses can you find not to attend the next reunion? We are not immortal. We are here but for a short time and may not make that next one. I beg all of you to make plans for the next reunion and bring your families. Don't look for an excuse or reason not to attend, it may be too late. Tom Garney(1967-1970)
name: Robert hansen Messagei was sad to hear of the loss of one of us few remaning .585 th at the time i was away on my wedding annaversy. as i had just found out that this web site exiseded ,we had made other plans for this time frame .rest assured i will make true effort to attend the next reunion . i understand that time waits for knowone. our thoughts an prears are wiyh you all . bob h name: Russell Custer MessageTom, I did not receive the e-mail you sent me last week. My mail box was full. Sorry about that. Russ name: Tom Garney MessageHi All, Just me speaking, but I attended the reunion of 2005 and had a great time. Met new people, made new friends and renewed many old friendships. The accomodations, food and beverages were the best. My hat is off to Ken Seymour (AKA Fossil)and all those who put this reunion together and participated in it's function. Lest I forget, many thanks to all the members, their wives and families who attended, you all made it a reunion worth remembering. I hope to see all of you and many more new members in 2006 (God Willing) To all my brothers, wishing you the very best from now and 2006. Tom Garney (67-70)
name: Bill Kappes MessageWhat a great reunion we had in orlando.This was # 3 for me and it was great to see we still have not aged at all!! Our forth reunion in texas has the potential to to the biggest ever. Please plan on being there. And thanks again to the guys for your trust on voting me for president,again,,,bill kappes name: Ken Seymour MessageNOTICE: The 585th Engineer Company Distinguished Unit Recognition Plaque will be dedicated at 1400 hours,16 May 2005,Museum,Ft.Leonard Wood,Mo. The point of contact(POC)is CSM(R)Julius Nutter,tel: 573-329-6678. POC for on post quarters is Mrs, Arlene Adkins,tel:800-677-8356. Tell her you are with the COL Seymour/585th group. I will be out there from 5/14 to 5/17 and hope to see many 585th Association Members attend. Depend On Us, Ken name: ROBERT W HENRY MessageBetter late than never,almost missed the o5 reunion do to other conflicts but just made it .Hats off to Col.ken and all the others that have worked sooooo hard to ensure these reunions come off without a hitch.I also agree with Bill we arn't getting older but I must add just better.A very special thanks must be made to Tom for the web site and all the work he does keeping us informed.I have been reciving for some time now updates that in one way or the other concern us all from Lt "emo"Tichacek ( USN Ret) I enclose his E Mail should you like to contact him to be put on the mo.update list.raoemo@sbcglobal.net hope to see you all and more in TEXAS. name: billy lowe....1808 gaynor dr killeen.tx..2545268887 Messagehey guys and ladies...sure had a great time in orlando...thanks ken...hey henry great to se u and ur lovely lady again..L T...thanks for taking my picture with the award..tell your lovely lady that my lady is looking forward to meeting her and you here in tx..been to san antonia a few times..its a beautiful place..got lots of interesting places to see and enjoy...bring lite type clothing its "HOT" here n tx,thankfully....hey bobby leach missed seeing u at the last 2 reunions hope to see u and ur lady here n tx....hey u johnson and benson got no excuse this time...1 days driving will get u here so get ur butts on up here..just might see the 2 of u sooner..trying to get down ur way soonest...going on a cruise..think we will start from N.O....to mrs clyde couch.(elaine) i hope by this time you have received a copy of the award named in honor of clyde...he was loved and will and is missed by all of us that had the honor of not just serving with him but just knowing him was a honor...TO ALL THE GUYS THAT WAS N NAM DURING THE TIME CLYDE AND I WAS THERE PLEASE COME TO THE NEXT REUNION ITS A BLAST AND U WILL LOVE IT>>THATS A ORDER>>MY PHONE # AND ADDRESS IS ON HERE PLEASE CALL WRITE R E_MAIL ME >>>SEE YOU HERE N TX>>>BJL name: Larry Densch MessageHi all, Judy and I were very sorry to have to miss the 05 reunion. We will be able to make the rest of them hopefully for a long time to come. webmaster please note our new email address. name: Tom Garney MessageHi All, A very happy Easter to everyone. Someone, I don't remember who, asked me to locate someone at the last reunion at any cost. I did mention at that time to email me with the info since I would probably forget. Well due to the aging process, I have. So, who-ever it was, please email me asap and I will do my best to locate them. I thought it was Gorman but not sure........Anyway, give me a shout with what info you have......Cheers........Tom name: Calvin Benson MessageHi guys, I need your help.I am appling for Post Traumo Stress Disorder,I lost all of my pictures in a flood a few years ago and everything relating to my tour.Any pics,incidents that happened from Oct 69 to Nov 70 would help me a great deal also the month in which it happened.I was the driver of the Judge along with Sgt Johnson Jimmy Eaton And Fat Albert. Sorry I missed Orlando but I really enjoyed St Louis God willing I hope to see you guys in Texas.I know I can depend on you.If anyone is in New Orleans please look me up I have a few connections. Thanks Calvin (Bro Ben) DEPEND ON US name: JIMMY EATON MessageMOST WANTED LIST. JACK RICHARDS WAS FROM PANAMA CITY FL. ROBERT T SMITH COULD BE TOMMY SMITH FROM HOUSTON TEXAS. DANNY K. RODROCK FROM KANSAS CITY MO. IS'NT EVEN LISTED. I SPOKE TO STEVEN MOREHOUSE, HE SAID MATHEW SOARES IS IN CALIF. THESE NAMES ARE FROM 69-70 name: robert w hansen Messageim very excited about the next convention . because i live in a town outside of dallas texas , i'm sure i'm going to be going lord willing it should be a real hoot bobh name: Ken Seymour MessageThe 585th Distinguished Unit Recognition Plaque ceremony on May 16 at Ft Leonard Wood was very moving. The Post Band played great backup to the 585th Vietnam Vets and guests who participated in this noteworthy event. The Ceremony was followed by a tour of the Engineer Museum, Happy Hour and Dinner at the Audie Murphy Club. Essayons. Depend On Us, Ken Seymour name: Ken Seymour MessageThe 585th Engineer Company(Vietnam) Association now has 751 members. Sadly, 146 are deceased and we only hear their names spoken at our reunions. As I reviewed our Memorial Site this morning, I said a silent prayer for these men. What really struck home with me today is the fact that the vast majority of these men never attended a reunion. Don't let this happen to you. Plan on attending our 4th Reunion;OCT 6-8,2006;San Antonio. name: Ken Seymour MessagePlan now to see/meet your bunker buddies at the 585th 4th Reunion,Woodfield Suites Hotel, October 6-8, 2006. Room Reservation #800-338-0008. Special rate is $79 day, plus taxes. Includes hot buffet breakfast and 2 hours open bar each evening. We will have a permanent Hospitality Room for the duration, no booze served therein. Banquet will be at local restaurant. Riverwalk is 5 minute walk away. Registration info will follow in the fall timeframe. Depend On Us, Ken Seymour name: William "Bill" Barentine MessageHi all! Sorry I missed out on the last get together.. Having a few medical problems. Loss of memory is one, lots of skin cancers is the worst. Still trying to get social sceurity disability here. Now on 3rd year, and 4th time filing. I hope all of my friends in the 585th are doing well, I miss you guys!!! Keep in touch1 I'll do my best to see as many as I can in the upcoming get together. Take care of each other, and God Bless you all! Bill name: William "Bill" Barentine MessageSending an "after" photo of me taken last year..2004. Due to the heat here I shaved off the goatee by now!!! Bill name: William "Bill" Barentine MessageI just went through the "Now and Then" photos of all the roster'd names..... I was truly saddened by the loss of so many of our fellow brothers. I have always avoided looking back, as it causes some trepidation at times. Now I know what I have missed out on. On a lighter note: Is it feasible or possible to have an area where all of us could send in a few lines of what we have done in our lives? You know, a sort of here is "where I am now, here is what I have been doing sort of thing"? Many of the guys I know, and have always wondered about where they have gone and what has been in their lives. It has been a long time, and I have always wondered how to get in touch with them. Through the work of you that have designed and put this site together, many many thanks to you! Bill name: bob pittenger Messagehello everyone nice to see all the pics and messages here i was looking in the photo albums and i think one of the pictures has the names out of order it is in vinh hao2 pic 27 i think lt smith was the 4th from left as i drove for him quite often i may be wrong but i remember the glasses and his love for jujubees (sp i,m sure) i will be sendind a then and now pic soon till then later guys bob name: bobPittenger Messagewas wondering if anyone knew a guy we called solo i knew him in vinh hao 70-71 his name was chuck holdren from hunting beach ca would love to contact him he was not from 585 he was a dozer oprator thanks for any help bob Name: robert w hansen Commentslooking forward to next years reunion as its a short trip from my home in dallas as i sead before it will do me good to see all your faces and reminess of the good not all bad times ,robert w hansen USA Ret. Name: Jerry Grizzard CommentsI received a phone call today letting me know that Roy Davidson, one of our 585th brothers who served in '66-'67, passed away this morning. He had been dealing with numerous health problems for many months. Phillip Adams and myself will be traveling to Saltville, VA to attend his funeral. We have both stayed in touch with Roy since he was first located and the family has asked us to be pall bearers. If anyone would like to send a card to the family, they can be sent to Robin Hayden and Family, P.O. Box 37, Saltville, VA 24370. Please remember him and his family in your prayers as they go thru this difficult time. Name: Jerry C. Grizzard CommentsRobert E. JAMES has been found!!!! Just got thru talking to him and he sounded great. Will be sending info to Tom Garney.His phone # is 215-946-4319 if you remember him and want to call. Jerry G. Name: Breland Clement CommentsGood job Jerry, I know you have worked hard to find Bob. Thanks for the effort and keep up the excellent work. Name: Tom Garney CommentsCongrats on finding Robert James, Grizz. Will have the info posted to the rosters as soon as possible. Hope we have some luck in locating a few more. We have just about accounted for all the originals. Tom Name: Macey G. Jett CommentsThe Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is going to be at the Capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri from Nov. 22 Thur Nov. 27. Opening ceremonies will start at 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday the 22nd. If at all possible, I would like to request that all the 585th DT brothers attend, especially those living in Missouri. The opening ceremony appears to be quite impressive. You may go to the website for all the information. www. jcveteranscouncil.org, If any brothers can attend I would like to meet and visit with you. The 585th has six names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall that will be read out loud, not to mention the buddies we all had in our sister companies. If enough could attend I would be glad to arrange for a catered evening meal in a private room where all could visit. My phone number is 573/896-4358 and my email is jettmd@yahoo.com. Macey G. Jett 1967 & 1968 Name: Tom Garney CommentsI would like to wish all my brothers and their familes a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are stiil alive, and have a lot to be thankful for. Let's get together at the next reunion. Cheers>>>>>>.....tom Garney Name: Ken Seymour CommentsMerry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Vietnam Vets of the 585th Engineer Company, especially the members of the 585th Association. Next month I'll be in San Antonio negotiating our reunion banquet contract. When I return, I'll post the information relating to location,menu and costs. 585th 4th Reunion, 6-8 OCT 2006, Woodfield Suites. Until then, Depend On Us, Ken Name: Tom Garney CommentsMerry Christmas and Happy New Year to all members of the 585th Engineer Company. Sending this from Sunny Arizona where I have retired to, and in the process of purchasing a new home. Will be talking to you soon as soon as I get settled in. Cheers For Many Years...........Tom Name: Jerry Grizzard CommentsI would like to take this time to wish all of our 585th brothers and there familes a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. We hope to see all of you in Texas next year. Stay safe! JERRY Grizzard Name: Tom Garney CommentsHi All, Just received a phone call from Terry Parker. He recently got an email from the wife of one of our Brothers. She stated that her husband Rene Cabezas passed away around Oct of this year, very sad news to receive at any time but more so over the holdays. Also Terry is going back in for more heart surgery next month, along with his wife who is going in for knee surgery. I wish them both a speedy recovery. Tom Garney Name: Bill Kappes CommentsMerry Christmas and Happy New Year to every one and there famlies.Its time to start thinking about San Antonio,Oct. 2006. Please be safe and have a great new year till then.Bill (Kappy) Name: John Zutz CommentsIt's the beginning of the year. Many of our members who are still working - especially in factories or other manufacturing plants, etc., need to apply for their vacations now. Regional contacts - I suggest you make contacts now, if you haven't already. Tell them what you know about the reunion. If you wait we may lose them. John Zutz Milwaukee Name: Ray Vitch CommentsGood job Jerry for finally finding Robert James. I'm alive and well but been keeping a low profile. Hope AZ suits you Tom, Marge finally turned my into a snowbird and I have to admit I don't miss the snow so far. See you all in Oct. take care. Name: Larry Densch CommentsMy address has changed TO 1165 Maple Unit G Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420 WEBMASTER Please note Judy and I will be in San Antonio. Hope all of you will be.
2004 |
name: Tom Garney To all my 585th brothers, friends and their families, I want to wish you the very best this holiday season and through-out the new year. May all your wishes come true. I hope to see all of you at the reunion. God Bless all of you. Cheers...Tom Garney and Family name: Robert Serena MessageHi All Just a note to say Happy Holidays to all. I am driving truck
cross country again and stop over in all types of places for sometimes
1or 2 hours sometrimes 1or 2 days would like to meet some of youall as
soon as i can email me at yankee15613@yahoo.com name: Bill Kappes MessageTo all my brothers,,, may you and yours have a blessed holiday season and new year. name: Ken Seymour MessageHAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON TO ALL!! With Thanksgiving and Christmas on the immediate horizon, I'd like to wish all 585th Association members,and their families, a happy, healthy holiday season. All of us have to be especially careful while driving at this time of the year. Between weather related conditions and minds focused elsewhere, accidents do happen. Do your best to get through the holidays safely. May God bless us, our country and our President. I hope to see you at our reunion in January 2005, Orlando. name: Breland J. Clement Sr. MessageHi guys I meant to post sooner but just haven’t had the time. Kudos to Tom Garney for the excellent job he has done in updating the website. If anyone has done this before they know it is very time consuming and frustrating. Tom has obtained some user friendly features and lots more space in our site. This should hold up for a couple of years. We all know that technology continues to advance at very fast pace. Let’s remember to give Tom a well done when you see him in Orlando. name: Bruce Bevins MessageThanks Tom! The new bulletin board looks great! Whoever is taking care of roster please update my e-mail address. Looking forward to the reunion in Jan.2005. Got word Lee Hodges will be coming and possibly First Sgt.Barrett! Thanks Bruce name: Ken Seymour MessageOur next reunion,30 JAN - 1 FEB,2005, will be a very special 585th Reunion at the Grosvenor Hotel in Orlando. On Monday evening,following our Memorial Service, we'll unveil the 585th Engineer Company Distinguished Unit Recognition Plaque,enjoy our Banquet Dinner,followed by a great guest speaker. This is an event that all members should strive to attend.DEPEND ON US!!! name: Tom Garney MessageHi All, I hope you find this easier to use than the one I took off. Cheers name: Robert hansen MessageFROM MY FAMILY TO ALL OF YOU /MARRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU &A SAFE AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR . name: Bob Krider MessageI want to wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope everyone has a safe trip to Orlando. See you there. name: William Barentine "Bill" MessageNew name I have remembered, and somewhere I have his photo too! "Robert Lord Henderson". He rotated out of country before me...I had him send me mail in the name of "Jacob Bullinski" as an inside joke! No one even seemed to noticed when this name was called out during mail call, worse, no one even noticed me getting it!!! Bill name: Jerry C. Grizzard MessageTo all 585th members, I hope that all you will have a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!! WE NEED TO GET ON THE STICK AND MAKE OUR RESERVATIONS FOR THE REUNION NOW!!! TIME IS ABOUT TO RUN OUT . Please call the resort before Dec. 31st to get the great room rates. Hope to see a lot of new faces at the reunion this year. Take care, Jerry Grizzard name: william (Bill) Barentine MessageI just heard from Custer today...WOW!!! Fantastic...you guy's gotta be proud of what you're doing for so many of us!!! Thanks a lot!!! Now...Looking for Preston, and Carey...? any ideas? Thought Preston was from Rhode Island, may have been New Hampshire! (ooops!) Carey was from New York and was Buddies with Mark Krczynski. Bill name: William Barentine "Bill" MessageIt took awhile to read, then re-read the list of names on the "roster list". I found some 11 people I knew in the 585th. There were so many more.... ...whose names are still missing. These are the one's I know. I'm sure there are others too! Ankrum, Kryscynski, LaPour, Piskator, Padilla, Preston, Pritchett, Rasmussen, Seibert, Smelcer, and Woodbury. I never got to say it then...BUT, it was an HONOR to serve with you ALL! I'll Be sending a "SPECIAL" photograph, which I took here in Phoenix, for the Arizona, Vietnam Veteran's Memorial. Bill name: William Barentine "Bill" MessageLooking for Woodbury-"Woody", William, "Bill", "pierre", Lapour, Russel J. Custer, all the "quarry" gang from the 585th, 1/71-12/71. From the "crazy Kid" that likes to play with the "crystallized Nitroglycerin"!!! The 4 of us had matching "jackets" made..."fighters by day, lovers by night, drunkards by choice" Tiger on one sleeve, dragon on the opposite one! CONTACT ME !!! name: Russell Custer Sr. MessageHappy Holidays to all. Hope to see you at our reunion. name: Robert hansen Messagehi all im thinking of some names of the men john zoots was one i did not see he was from wesconson his dad used to send us packegs of cheeses an things , ssgt meek food service in phan rang ,im going to work on a list . name: Bruce Bevins MessageHappy Holidays to all!! I hope you all have a safe and happy one! See Ya in 2005!! name: Jerry C. Grizzard MessageTo all 585TH members who have e-mail. We need to get in touch with our friends that don't have e-mail. I am trying to get people from each of the years from 66-72 that may have a friend that he can call an talk to them about coming to the reunion. The group of people that are helping me with the call list are having a hard time getting people to say that they would like to come. I think that if they hear from someone they can remember, it may help them to decide that they would like to see old friends that they were in Vietnam with. As of now we don't have but about 40 people that has called the hotel to get rooms for this reunion!!!! We all need to get on the stick and call the hotel"asap" time is running out!! I am one of them that has not called yet but,I will do so soon. Lets try get as many as we can to commit. Thanks for all the help from the one's that have been calling all of the states I gave you to call. Jerry Grizzard "GRIZZ"
2003 and Before |
update Hi
guys, I just wanted to let everone know whats going on with me, i have
been keeping in touch with a lot of you, but i will be off the
computer for a long time, as i have to have a 5way bypass heart
surgery, and if i make it through this then i will have to have a
bypass from my heart to both my legs as im loosing both feet and legs,
so i will be off the putter for a long time, just wanted everone to
know why i wont be answering anymore emails, just keep me in your
thoughts, i sure hope i will be around to come to the next renunion,
but if i dont i wont everone to know how much i really enjoyed the
last two, everone take care and hope i can talk to yall later----Terry Valuable
Links Hi All, New
Postings The Member
Contact Info section has been updated. Names and contact information
for 471 members can be found in this area. VA
585th friends; I was in Vietnam from
Dec, 1967 to Nov. 1968. Have been having health problems for quite
some time. Veterans Affairs office said that I should file a claim for
"service -connected disability compensation for multiple myelomas
(cancer), due to exposure to Agent Orange and for bilateral hearing
loss and tinnitus". My question to everyone is: Have any of you
done this? Is is worth doing? Seems like a lot of forms to fill out.
If you have done it, how did you do it. Did you hire outside help or
what. I must admit that my medicines are so high that I would like to
get in on the prescription plan of $7.00 for 30 days. I would
appreciate any advise or direction that anyone could give me.
Christmas & Happy New Year To
all the members of the 585th and their families, from our house to
yours we wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and
Prosperous New Year. I ask that we all take a few minutes this year to
remember and give thanks to the service men and women that have since
filled our shoes and ask that they return safe and sound and to
remember those that are no longer with us.
Christmas Hi Gang, well
after about 45 days messing with these people over these caps im
trying to have made, i think we finally got it done, she told me the
caps should be done by the end of next week, they are going to cost
more than i thought, ill have to buy the boxes to send them in and the
postage-so i figure its going to cost 15.00 per cap, i ordered 80 of
them, thats all i could offered at this time, i truly hope i get a
good response from ya'll, if anyone is interested just email me and i
will add you to my list. ill need your mailling address along with a
check please,i have a order of six caps now, but i need the mailing
address of the people that emailed me, i want to make sure the
addresses are right, so let me know a.s.a.p, Thanks a lot--and everone
have a Merry Christmas, and a special prayer for Ken Thomas and J.B. I
havent heard from either one in quite awhile, God Bless and take
care------Terry Parker-585
& Safe Holiday Season Hi
To All Hands - I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage all of
us to be especially careful while driving during the upcoming holiday
season. This includes using defensive driving techniques,watching our
consumption of booze;mostly "keeping our eye on the ball".
I'd like to see all 433 of our members,plus guests,make it to Orlando
in March 05,alive and well;not listed on our Memorial Site. My best
wishes,to you and your families, for a Happy & Healthy Holiday
Season. Sincerely,Ken Seymour Thanksgiving
To all of the members of the 585th and
their families. I want to wish you all a Very Happy Thanksgiving. 2003
Reunion I was so glad to
hear the reunion was such a great success. I am sorry I was unable to
attend this year. I want to thank Terry Parker for filling me in on
the reunion details. Sounds like a great time was had by all!! Hey
Guys Hey Guys, I have
find a place where i have ordered some caps to match the T-shirts that
Kevin had made, I sure hope everone is interested, i just ordered 80
of them, Kevin sent me the print of the shirts and this lady on the
internet has really helped me get this thing going, just talked to her
on the phone and they will be printed in app. 4 to 5 weeks, there ar
really going to be nice-the cost of the caps will be somewhere between
5.50 and 6.50, Hope eveyone is interested-- I think eveone will be
proud to wear these caps,i wont know the the full price until i get
them paid for, u know shipping and handling, if anyone has any
questions just email me---thanks Terry Photos
Hi All, St.
Louis Hi
All, I want to thank all of the 585th Family, especially all those who
put this reunion together. This has been my first, but God willing it
will not be my last. I’m looking forward to many more in the
future. It was a very emotional roller coaster for me from which I
have yet to come down. I didn’t feel that would happen but it
did. It brought back a flood of memories (good and bad), which were
long forgotten or blocked out, and has filled a void in my life, or as
Breland has put it, brought closure. I believe I have renewed many
friendships that should have never been forgotten.. I do regret that I
did not spend more time with everyone I knew or and get to meet those
that I did not. I hope to change that in the future. I thank everyone
for the award that was I received although I don’t believe I
deserved it, since I just picked up where others before me left off
and are more deserving. I apologize to all for not speaking out at the
dinner. One is that I am not a speaker, two – it was a very
emotional time for me and I’m sure I would have lost it as I
came very close to doing the entire time. I appreciate all those that
thanked me for finding them and welcoming them home but I must share
that thanks with all those that came before me and especially those
that started the association. Ken Seymour said it best at the dinner
which really choked me up…….Welcome Home. I met up with
Bruce Stokely at the airport who shared the same feeling. Quote……No
one has ever said that to me before since leaving Viet Nam, and in
trying to hold back the emotion, it was as if a burden was lifted from
his shoulders……..we both parted with a tear in our eye. I
guess we are all hard core, maybe more than we should or we pretend to
be and we try to hide our true feelings. I thank the 585th for
bringing mine to the surface and for a great time…………..Cheers……….Tom
Garney St.Louis
Hi, Just a short note to say Thanks for
another great time, Sharon and i really enjoyed ourselves, Hope
everone made it home allright, lets keep in touch and take care, Terry
Parker Reunion
Coordination Hi All -
I've been receiving requests for the dress code at our banquet. For
those who attended in March 2002, nothing's changed. For those
attending for the first time, here's the Memorial Service/Banquet
dress standards - NO tennis shoes,golf shirts, shorts or jeans.
Jackets and ties are NOT required. Basic wear includes slacks,collared
dress shirt and leather shoes. Equivalent for Guests. I'm really
looking forward to seeing everyone at St Louis. If driving, PLEASE
DRIVE SAFELY. Depend On Us, Ken Obit
Another of our ranks past away. James
Len Cobb, 58 years old had a heart attack and died May 16, 2003. I
talked to his wife tonight and told her his name would be placed in
our Memorial Section. Hello
Hello all. Garney found me!!!! I was in
the 585th from 5 Dec 68 - 5 Dec 69. Hope to see alot of you in St.
Louis. Until then stay safe. John Zeiler PH: (810)230-1947 Member
Found/Obit Hi all I found
George McLaughlin today, but sadly enough I also found 14 members who
have passed away. I will be posting their names to the memorial page
shortly. That my friends is just from the 1970-71 rosters. With that
in mind, I urge everyone to think twice about attending the reunion.
Life is too short and we aren't getting any younger. If we don't go,
we may never have another chance to see one another again. I've even
changed my mind and have made my reservations. I hope to see you all
there.........Cheers....Tom Name
that cook. About the
picture on Thanksgiveng day 1966.I am the guy on the left and the
other names are right. As for another picture taken in the mess in
Pleiku they have my name as Jim Burns, and no,I never could make
doughnuts like Sgt. Govan. TERRY. I'am
found Myname is Terry
Burns Iwas with the 585 from 8-1-66 to 8-27-67. I talked to Ken
Seymour last night.Ihad no idea there was an association. I can be
reached at BurnsTerryP @AOL.COM Thanks Terry. I
can't believe it Hello
All, My name is Bill Cecil. Am an old 585th member,(67-68). I had
looked for Tom Garney forever, With no luck. He called me last night,
I was so surprized. What a good feeling to make contact after all
those years. Hope to hear from others that may remember me.Was with
Garney, Witherspoon, Heater. Knedgen, Brown, Moody, Duvall, Charlotte,
Matta, Capt. Kernahan, Parnell, Oh I could go on now that I'm hypted.
But I better shorten this up. Please, I would love to hear from you
guys. Drop me a note. E-mail to Cecilbill1@aol.com.
Thanks for being their guys Bill Cecil Volunteers
Upon recounting and
dividing up our list of names to call, we now have enough volunteers.
We also want to thank Rodger Bushnell for volunteering to help. We
accidentally left his name off of our previous message as being a
volunteer. Jerry G Volunteer
Needed We still need l
more volunteer to help make phone calls to people who have not
registered for the reunion. If you can help, please contact me as soon
possible. Thanks to the guys who are helping - Bob Bartholomew,
Breland Clement, Jerry Combs, Larry Densch, Bill Kappes, Ed Ulip, Ray
Vitch, and Alan Wright. We want to encourage everyone to go ahead and
register. Jerry G. Adrain
Pembroke Called Adrain
Pembroke said he got info for reunion could not make it .Served from
Aug 69 to July 70. Thanks guys for a wonderful website. Served with
the 585 from July 71 to Jan 72 than went to the 497. Has anybody heard
from a Gary Ackley or Sony Anderson they werwe in the 585 from Aug or
Sept of 71 Thanks ,Carl Gendreau sp4 585 Volunteers
needed to help make calls We
are going to try to call all veterans who have not registered for the
reunion. The list is quite lengthy, but if divided up we can make this
project much easier with more volunteers. Would like to have about 4
or 5 more people to assist those who have already agreed to help. If
you are interested in helping, please e-mail or call me by the end of
the week. Once we know how many we have helping, blocks of names will
be assigned. We want to encourage everyone to attend the reunion, give
them basic information, and tell them to send their registrations in
to Ken Seymour as soon as possible. This is not a draft - just asking
for help. (Phone 434-348-3400) St.
Louis Reunion Update Hi
to all members. Those of you who served at Vinh Hao/Don Duong in 70/71
will be glad to hear that Paul Bendel has registered for the reunion.
Paul replaced Len Cobb in the orderly room and worked for First
Sergeant Parent and then SFC Ray. Who could ever forget his smiling
face?? There are now 42 people registered and paid up for St. Louis.
As of today we have 299 members listed on our website roster. I'm
hoping we can boost that number considerably in the next couple weeks.
Please expedite those reunion applications. Depend On Us, Ken Seymour John
F. Kropp I am still
looking for John F Kropp. He was from Coal Valley IL. I have found one
in Chicago IL.that is 57 yrs. old but has an unlisted telephone
number. If anyone in that State or area could help out, it would
really help a lot. If any one can help please try and give me a call
or e-mail me. I am on the member roster. Thanks, Jerry Grizzard Member
found Another original!
Ed Eulip found Joe Morris 66-68, 335 Windsor Sq, Alvin, TX 77511-4927 Reunion
Packets I have been very
busy at work and don't want anyone to not have a reunion packet. If I
have missed someone, please let me know A.S.A.P. and will get one out.
See you all this October. Member
Found Hi All, Found the
following today: David L. Purdin, 7491 Overman Road, Hillsboro, OH
45133, PHONE 937-393-1441 More
Names from 585 Found
plaque given when leaving Pleiku no first names maybe someone can
help? would have been there Feb 1969 1st platoon, 1st squad Woodley,
Sosinski, Neal, Mendiha, Johnson M.E., 2nd squad, SSg Martinez, Gruggs
[Tenn.], Jean, 3rd squad, SSg Davino, Johnson P., Miner, Staub, Grant,
Morton, Weedman, See ya in Oct. Member
Found Hi All, My phone
just rang again, we have found another original member of the 585th. Member
Found Hi all, Luck of the
Irish is still with us. I just got off the phone with an original
former member of the 585th. He says hi to all. Patrick J. Munley
,1966-1967 , 5408 Live Oak Trl , Raleigh, NC 27613 , 919-782-2005 ,
email: dmunley@bellsouth.net
Wants info on reunion...........Cheers Tom Ken
Barkley Report Terri
Barkley, wife of Ken Barkley,sent me the following info in response to
my All Hands email. Ken had his heart/kidney transplants on 3/25/03.He
is "doing really well." Prayers from Association Members are
greatly appreciated. Member
Found Hi All, Found
another member today with the help of Military.com looking
for carson Looking
for SGT. Carson served in 67-68. Left 585th to be stationed in FT.
Carson CO. Don't know first name or where he is now. If anyone has
info. please E-Mail me at "powwow242@compuserve.com",
thank you. Member Found Hi All, Just got off the phone with another original member of the 585th. This has been a lucky weekend for all of us. His name is Harold Russell.
Found Hi All, Just
received a phone call from a message I left yesterday. It was none
other than Gary Humphreys. He served with the unit from 1966 to 1968,
he was an original member and say hello to all and glad that someone
found him. Member
Found Hi All,
for Maverick Who was the
guy who had the nickname Maverick? He drove me up to eng hill. Member
Found Hi All, Busy day.
Found another member: Frank Langley, 5447 Leach Road, Rochester, IL
62563. Phone (217) 498-0167 (no email as yet). Wants to know about the
DT Hi All, anyone
know Hi to all, Just a
short message to see if anyone out there can remember a vet by the
name of Hopkins, he was there in 68-69, i think he was from Houston
Tex. not for sure, he drove the wrecker, eveone take care and will
keep in touch, thanks to all, Terry Parker Couple
New Names looking forward
to 2003 reuion. Hoping to see some old faces from the 585 durning dec
67 to feb 69. tried to email several people but no replies as of yet.
Kentucky. Orlando P. Stowers, St. Loius Mo. I now have a e-mail
address ronomoo@aol.com
Would like to hear from some of you out there This
years reunion Let's not
wait for the last minute. Get those reservations in to make it easier
on those setting things up. Let's make this one even better than the
last one if thats possible. Give some of the people you want to see a
call and get them there. This
years reunion Let's not
wait for the last minute. Get those reservations in to make it easier
on those setting things up. Let's make this one even better than the
last one if thats possible. Give some of the people you want to see a
call and get them there. 585
Found Just received the
letter informing me of our next reunion. Sounds like fun. I changed my
e mail address so lost contact with everyone in the 585. I finally
remembered the name of another 585 vet he served 67/68 his name is
Harold Charlote ,last time I heard he was in Wanchiee Washington. HEY!
Jett you out there, Last time I talked to you ----You were on a cruse
ship some were in S.E.Alaska was good to talk to you ----give me an
e-mail will bring you up to date Need
Help If you haved moved,
changed your telephone number or E-MAIL address.Or know of anyone who
has please contact someone so our roster can be updated and everyone
will get the information about our reunion. Thanks Ed Ulip (TULIP) Original
Found Original 585th
member found. I have located John O. Brooks.(66-67) 2217 Cottington
St.NW, North Caton, OH. 44720 TEL.# 330-497-0351 e-mail xmasfrk@aol.com New
member found I have found
another 585 member that went over with us in (66-67). He is Donald W.
Schultz 126 Ox Bow Dr. Willimantic,CT. 06226 Telephone# 1-860-423-5382
e-mail TEENEE1.AOL Robert
Hillier Just a note for
anyone who may be looking for Robert Hillier in Youngstown, OH. I
located his family last year and they informed me that he had passed
away. New
members and new photos New
names have been added to the roster, thanks to the hard work of
several individuals. Another
veteran located Another
veteran located: Harold Person, 48 Rita Ln., Spring Lake, NC
28390-9784. His phone number is 910-893-8194. No e-mail address. He
served in l970. Informed him of upcoming reunion. He says that is a
long way for him. Jerry Grizzard 585th
Reunion Update/Unit Crests
reservations Made the
reservations for the reunion in October. We found out that it's best
to call the hotel directly. The 888 reservation number shows no rooms
available because they're already dedicated to us in a block. There
was no problem at all when we called the hotel directly. Thanks
Gail for such an impressive improvement in the web site! I am looking
forward to the next reunion. Our first reunion was a week-end I will
never forget. Can't wait to see everyone again. Just
wanted to say how nice this web site is, and really looking forward to
the next renunion, ive been trying to reach some more of our guys but
im not having to much luck, i have sent out a lot of letters, but no
response, surley J.B. doesnt run with Seymore--HA HA , looking forward
to seeing everone again, take care Irish
Bartender Greetings from
JB, your Irish Bartender. I'm sorry to inform you that I will be able
to attend your 2nd annual gathering this year in St. Louis. The rate
for your drinks will double because of my costs of travelling with
Colonel Ken Seymour. Reunion
Hi all,just wanted to say what a great
website we have. and to really thank those who made it possible.Judy
and I hope to see everyone in ST Louis. I hope that some that could
not make Orlando can make this one. Reunion
We're really glad that plans are under
way for the next reunion in Missouri. Hope everyone who was in Orlando
will be able to attend and other located veterans will make plans to
attend. The experience of reuniting is priceless. We have stayed in
touch with many of those we saw in Orlando and appreciate all the hard
work that those planning the reunions have done. OK
you guys! This is a heads up for our 2003 Reunion. Location is St
Louis, 3-5 October, Airport Ramada, offering us a lot. We'll have our
Private Bar and Hospitality Room again. JB has promised to be our
bartender again. Guess he was impressed by someone there. Must have
been Kappy or 1 of the other dinosaurs from Kinyon's Kommandos. Those
"older" vets sure made me feel like a kid again. Gary
Douglas and I are working out the details and he expects to have the
invites out in about 2 weeks. This time how about sending them back
early?? It makes it a lot easier to finalize the arrangements. If you
have a cash flow problem, send a post-dated check and a note to hold
it for you. We want to maximize attendance at this reunion, so make
those phone calls to alert your bunker buddies without email
addresses.I'll be sending out an "All Hands" email in the
near future with some great news on our website and facts about St
Louis. Overview
of 585th Association We
now have 266 members in the 585th Engineer Company(DT) Association.
265 RVN 585th Vets and one Honorary Member;Kevin Kernahan, son of CPT
Gregory Kernahan,DSC,KIA on 6 March 1968. Only 118 members have email
addresses. Every time I send out an email to "All Hands", I
realize there are 148 Association members not receiving the message.
It is incumbent upon each of us to spend some of our time trying to
locate more of our bunker buddies. It is also very important for each
of us to make a serious attempt to get our Association Roster updated
ASAP. I encourage all of you to check your personal info and also see
if you can find any missing data on members that you have listed in
your address books.We should all work towards strengthening our
Association. Welcome
Home Welcome Home to all
Vietnam Veterans of the 585th Engineer Company. I've been asked by
Gayle Clement,our new Webmaster, to write the "Cornerstone"
message on our new,improved Bulletin Board. No more spamming from
Tripod. Gayle will be moving most of the messages from our old site,
so we can surf through them and find those that interest us. I want to
use this occasion to thank Gayle, wife of Breland, 585th 1966-67,for
her sterling efforts on behalf of our Association. Her work has
resulted in significant improvement in our site. Breland also deserves
a sincere thanks for sacrificing the quality time his wife spent on
this project. They both clearly identify with the 585th Motto;Depend
On Us. I will be shutting down our old Tripod website within a week
and will immediately request our new website be linked to the Engineer
Website at Fort Leonard Wood. Essayons, Ken Seymour |