Need to ID |
Exiting Eng Hill Gate |
Need to ID |
4) Entrance to -ARVN
Base @ Pleiku Airport |
5) Lake by old camp
across from 299th Eng |
Need to ID |
7) Truck in village |
Downtown Pleiku 1 |
Downtown Pleiku 2 |
10) Pleiku - Road to 4th Div |
11) We Haul Anything |
12) Huey Checking the
Road |
13) Road before being
paved and before they sprayed agent orange |
14) I know I'm
handsome, but who am I? |
15) Packed up to move
what and where? |
16) Grading the road
prior to asphalt |
17) A Chinook |
18) Big ass snake |
19) Looks like Lonson? |
Okay you caught me
napping, but you got to give me a name before you turn me in? |
21) This is a real RV,
who are we? |
22) Kent Rose with little girl |
23) Could be workers
but look more like POWs |
24) Roger Moody |
25) 1st Platoon Logo
"Outlaws" |
26) Kent Rose, Orlando
Stowers, Barry Burris, James Lonson,
Joe Viveiros, Richard Dawson |
27) Kent Rose
listening to radio traffic |
28) Joe Viveiros &
Roger Moody? |
29) Pinkney Grubbs |
30) Well
deserved sleep - Ed Ulip |
Phillip McCoy |
32) Kent Rose in
Company Area Garden |
33) Jerry Volkert &
Lonson staying at Motel 6 where they leave the light on for you |
34) Who's making all
that noise out here? Barry Burris? |
35) Looks like a short
timer's party |
36) Lined up and
waiting to move out |
37) Some early
guntrucks? |
38) Joe Viveiros
waiting to get loaded |
39) Sitting ducks
waiting to move out |
40) Our 1st Gun Truck |
Garney, Witherspoon
w/Gun Jeep and need ID's for gun truck |
42) L-R Willie Edwards,
Roger Moody and Barry Burris |
Melvin Wilhoite and
Stephen Weigt |
44) L-R Need ID, Roger Moody &
Barry Burris |
45) Loading with fill
during TET around Camp Holloway |
Jerry Volkert |
Ralph Thompson |
48) Loading with sand
in Kontum |
49) Stephen Weigt -
See how tall I am |
50) Reginald
Garney, Townsend and Need ID's |